Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Numeroj (Esperanto-English)

0 Nul
1 Unu
2 Du
3 Tri
4 Kvar
5 Kvin
6 Ses
7 Sep
8 Ok
9 Naux
10 Dek
12 Dek du
19 Dek naux
20 Dudek
35 tridek kvin
100 cent
561 Kvincent Sesdek Unu
2000 du mil

Tabulo = board / blackboard


Kiom kostas la pilko? La pilko kostas ok stelojn. = How much does the ball cost? The ball costs 8 stars.
Kiom longe sxi kuris? Sxi kuris kvin kilometrojn. = How long has she run? She has run 5 kilometers.
Kiom agxas Ana? Ana agxas dek ok jarojn. = How old is Ana? Ana has aged 18 years.

Kiom = How many / how much
kostas = to cost
stelo = star
agxas = to be aged
jaro = year


Kiom da pomoj estas sur la tablo? Sur la tablo estas du pomoj. = How many apples are on the table? On the table are two apples.

da = of
horo = hour
minuto = minute
tagnokto = 24-hour period

Kiel, Kiam, Kie, Kien, Kies (Esperanto-English)

Kiel kuras la knabino? La knabino kuras rapide. = How does the child run? The child runs fast.
Kiel fartas Fang? Fang fartas bone. = How does Fang feel? Fang feels well.

Kiel = As / Like / How
Kuras = to run
Rapide = Fast
Fartas = To fare / to feel / to be doing
-e = Adverb


Kiam studas Ana? Ana studas matene. = When does Ana study? Ana studies in the morning.
Kiam brilas la suno? La suno brilas tage. = When does the sun shine? The sun shines in the daytime.

Kiam = When
Matene = in the morning
Brilas = to shine
suno = the sun
tage = in the daytime
vespere = in the evening
dormas = to sleep
nokte = in the night

Kie estas la pilko? La pilko estas sur la tablo. = Where is the ball? The ball is on the table.

Kie = Where
Sur = on
Sub = under / beneath / below
en = in
antaux = before / in front of / ahead of
malantaux = behind / after


Kien iras la viro? La viro iras al la domo. = Where does the man go? The man goes towards the house.
Kien iras la viro? La viro iras en la domon. = Where does the man go? The man goes into the house.
Kie iras la viro? La viro iras en la domo. = Where does the man go? The man goes in the house. (as in walking around in the house).

Kien = To where, in what direction
iras = to go
al = towards / in the direction of / to
gxis = until
en = in


Kies esta la pilko? La pilko estas de Petro. = Whose is the ball? The ball is Petro's.

Kies = whose / which one's
de = of
fotilo = camera
komputilo = computer


De kie estas Ana? Ana estas de la lando Usono. = Where is Ana from? Ana is from the country USA.

De kie = of where / where from
lando = country
Usono = USA
Cxinio = China
Italio = Italy
urbo = city

(Stopped at lesson 27)


Resumo I (Esperanto-English)

Verb Endings
-as = present
-is = past
-os = future

Noun Endings
-in- = feminine
-o = noun
-oj = plural
-isto = occupation / hobby
-on / -ojn = Object

Adjective Endings/Prefixes
Must match noun in case and number
-a = adjective
-aj = plural
mal- = opposite

Question Words
-j = plural
-n = answer is object
-jn = answer is plural object
Kio - What
Kiu - Who
Kie - Where
Kia = Describe (What is it like / What sort of / What kind)
Cxu = Makes yes or no question
Jes = Yes
Ne = No, not

Homo - Person
Viro - Man
Virino - Woman
Knabo - Child
Frukto - Fruit
Tablo - Table
Segxo = Chair
Pilko = Ball
Hundo = Dog
Banano = Banana
Pomo = Apple
Instruisto = Teacher
Programisto = Programmer
Fotisto = Photographer
Studento = Student
Domo = House
Apartamento = Apartment
Nomo = Name
Vetero = Weather
Haro = Hair
Arbo = Tree

Estas - is
Instruas = Teaches
Programas = Programs (a computer)
Fotas = Photographs
Studas = Studies
Logxas = to be located
Mangxas = eats
Faras = to do
Havas = to have
Faligas = to overthrow / to drop / to bring down

Flava = Yellow
Bruna = Brown
Nigra - Black
Rugxa = Red
Granda = Big
Bona = Good (Malbona = Bad)
Hela = Light / Bright / Clear (Malhela = Dark / Dim)

Tio - this
Tiu - this (person)
Mi = Me
Vi = You
Li/Sxi/Gxi = He/She/It
Ni = We
Ili = They
Mia = My

Kaj - and
En = in

Faris, Faras, Faros (Esperanto-English)

Kion faras Ana? Ana fotas. = What does Ana do? Ana photographs.
Kion faris Ana? Ana fotis. = What did Ana do? Ana photographed.

-as = present
-is = past
-os = future

Kion fotis Ana? Ana fotis hundojn. = What did Ana photograph? Ana photographed dogs.

faligas = to overthrow, to drop, to bring down
abro = tree

Kion faros Fang? Fang mangxos. What will Fang do? Fang will eat.

(Stopped at 21)


Kia? (Esperanto-English)

Kia = What kind / What sort of / What is it like
Kia estas la pilko? La pilko estas flava kaj granda. = What kind of ball? The ball is yellow and large.
-a = adjective
mal- = oppsite (ex: malgranda = small, granda = large)
bruna = brown
vetero = weather


Kiaj = What are they like? What kind are they? (Plural Kia)
La pilkoj estas flavaj = The balls are yellow.
Adjectives must agree in number.


Kian = describe the direct object
Kian bananon mangxas Fang? Fang mangxas flavan kaj bonan bananon. = What kind of banana does Fang eat? Fang eats a yellow and good banana.
Kiajn hundojn fotas Ana? Ana fotas grandajn kaj nigrajn hundojn. = What kind of dogs does Ana photograph? Ana photographs big, black dogs.

havas = to have
rugxa = red
haro = hair
hela = light, bright, clear

If the adjective is to the direct object, it also gets the direct object ending

(Stopped at 19)


Objekto II (Esperanto-English)

Kion sxi faras? Sxi programas. = What does she do? She programs.
Kio sxi estas? Sxi estas programisto. = What is she? She is a programmer.
Kion li instruas? Li instruas Esperanton. = What does he teach? He teaches Esperanto.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Objekto (Esperanto-English)

Kion fotas Ana? = What is Ana photographing?
Ana fotas knabon = Ana photographs a child.
-n = direct object
mangxas = to eat


-jn = plural direct object

(Stopped at 15)

(Using lernu!)

Kie li logxas? (Esperanto - English)

Kie = Where
Logxas = to be located / to be at
en = in
domo = house
apartamento = apartment


Kio = What
Kiu = Who
Kie = Where


Mi = Me
Vi = You
Li = He
Gxi = It
Sxi = She
Ni = We
Ili = They


Cx = "ch"
Cxu = Makes yes or no questions. Sort of like Is (ex: Cxu sxi estas Ana? Jes, sxi estas Ana).
Jes = Yes
Ne = No

Use ne like in French to negate a sentence (without the pas) (ex: Cxu li instruas? Ne, li ne instruas).


Mia = my
nomo = name

Note - I'm going to try to make things nouns and such and if I'm wrong it can be corrected later. Hence if something looks weird that may be why.

Kiu vi estas? Kio vi estas? Kie vi logxas?
Mia nomo estas Nicholaso. Mi estas homo kaj mi estas viro. Mi estas instruisto kaj mi estas studento. Mi logxas en apartamento en Sainto Paulo.

(Stopped at 13)


Monday, April 28, 2014

Part of Speech and Tense Markers (English)

I just saw a post on reddit (here) and in it was a comment I thought would be a great resource (from user tendeuchen):

Verb Endings:
Infinitive = -i (so do some pronouns)
Past = -is
Present = -as
Future = -os
Conditional = -us
Imperative = -u

Singular = -o
Plural = -oj
Accusative = -n

Other Parts of Speech:
Adverb = -e
Adjective = -a

Tio estas homo (Esperanto - English)

(hats will be written as x after a letter)

Kio estas tio?

Tio estas homo.
Tio estas homo kaj tio estas viro.

Kio estas tio?

Tio estas homo.
Tio estas homo kaj tio estas virino.

Kio = What
Estas = Is
Tio = This

Tio = This
Estas = Is
Homo = Person
Viro = Man
Virino = Woman
Kaj = And
Knabo = Child

-o = noun
-in- = feminine

Kiu = Who
Tui = This (person) / That one / That person
Vi = You
Mi = Me
Li = He
Sxi = She
sx = "sh"
Unu = One
Du = Two
-j = plural
Tri = Three
Ili = they
Ni = we
fruktoj = Fruits
gxi = it
tablo = table
segxo = chair
pilko = ball
hundo = dog
banano = banana
pomo = apple
Kiuj = Who (plural), only people
instruas = teach
instruisto = teacher
programas = programs
programisto = programmer
fotas = to photograph
fotisto = photographer
studas = to study
studento = student
-ist- = job / hobby

(Stopped at 10) (Bildoj kaj demandoj)

Introduction (English)

I have been reading the Riverworld series. In this series, Esperanto is an important language. While I had heard of Esperanto in the past, I had not previously considered learning it. I've decided I want to try my hand at learning Esperanto. I will try to put the tool I am using at the end of each post. This will mainly serve as a bunch of notes for me, but others might find it useful. In the title of the post I will try to include the language that the post is in. I may post videos of me speaking Esperanto eventually, I have not yet decided.