Kia = What kind / What sort of / What is it like
Kia estas la pilko? La pilko estas flava kaj granda. = What kind of ball? The ball is yellow and large.
-a = adjective
mal- = oppsite (ex: malgranda = small, granda = large)
bruna = brown
vetero = weather
Kiaj = What are they like? What kind are they? (Plural Kia)
La pilkoj estas flavaj = The balls are yellow.
Adjectives must agree in number.
Kian = describe the direct object
Kian bananon mangxas Fang? Fang mangxas flavan kaj bonan bananon. = What kind of banana does Fang eat? Fang eats a yellow and good banana.
Kiajn hundojn fotas Ana? Ana fotas grandajn kaj nigrajn hundojn. = What kind of dogs does Ana photograph? Ana photographs big, black dogs.
havas = to have
rugxa = red
haro = hair
hela = light, bright, clear
If the adjective is to the direct object, it also gets the direct object ending
(Stopped at 19)
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