I'm going to go back through the "Ana Pana" Lernu! Exercises I've done and try listening to them and writing down what I hear.
Parto 1
Saluton! Mia nomo estas Ana Pana. Mia persona nomo estas Ana. Mia familia nomo estas Pana. Mi logxas en Novjorko, Usono. Mia adreso estas 1234 Long-strato. Mia retposto-adreso estas _____. Mi estas dek ok jara. Kio estas via nomo? Kia vi logxas? Gxis! -Ana.
Okay, I don't really type fast enough to do this... That one wasn't too bad though, I could understand everything she said. Let's see about understanding at least on the next part.
Parto 2
Parts I couldn't understand while listening: "Ana estas juna"
Also, didn't know what the word kelkaj is (means some / a few)
Parto 3
A bit less here but not too bad. Didn't catch. "Miaj gefratoj tre similas. Ili fakte estas gxemeloj." and "Gxemeloj ja estas samagxaj"
Parto 4
Didn't catch: "Ili tre sxatas ludi en akvo" and "Cxefe li kuiras vegetare, sed iufoje li kuiras ankaux fisxajxon."
Parto 5
I lost it around "Fakte al mi pli placxas somero ol vintro" and didn't really catch it except for snippets after that. So this one is really where it goes downhill. I'm not sure if that is because of the jump in vocabulary or if it is because the speaker is moving more quickly, with less pauses for me to reflect on what was being discussed.
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