Thursday, May 1, 2014

Komencas (Esperanto-English)

Per kio oni fotas? = With what does (one/they/you) take pictures?
Oni fotas per fotilo. = One takes photos with a camera.

Per = With
Oni = One
Skribi = to write
Skribilo = writing instrument
-il- = object used to do something (camera used to photograph - foti/fotilo, writing instrument used to write - skribi/skribilo).
trancxi = to cut
trancxilo = knife
komputi = to compute


La patrino lavas la infanon. = The mother washes the baby.
Kio okazas pri la infano? = What is happening to the baby?
La infanto lavigxas. = The infant is getting washed.

La kurado lacigas la viron. = The running tires the man.
Kio okazas pri la viro? = What is happening to the man?
La viro lacigxas. = The man is getting tired.

Cxu heligxas aux malheligxas matene? = Does it get brighter or get darker in the morning?
Matene heligxas. = In the morning it gets brighter.

-igx- = to get (shows a change of state)
Patrino = mother
Lavi = to wash
Okazi = to happen / to occur
pri =about / concerning
lavigxi = to be washed
lacigi = to tire (as in to cause on to tire)
lacigxi = to get tired
heligxi = to get brighter
malheligxi = to get darker


Ana komencas farti malbone. Alivorte, kio okazas? Ana is beginning to feel bad. In other words, what is happening?
Ana ekfartas malbone. =  Ana is starting to feel bad.
Ana ekmalbonfartas = Ana is starting to feel bad.

komenci = to begin
Alivorte = in other words
ek- = to start / begin
pluvi = to rain


Ana havas patron kaj patrinon. Alivorte, kion havas Ana. = Ana has a father and mother. In other words, what does Ana have?
Ana havas gepatrojn. = Ana has parents.

gepatroj = parents
ge- = both sexes (together)
frato = brother
fratino = sister
gefratinoj = siblings

(Stopped at 41)


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