jaro - year
sen - without (prepostion)
ricxa - rich
Usono - USA
ja - indeed (emphatic particle)
li - he
regi - to rule / to control
hundo - dog
kosti - to cost
paroli - to speak
parto - part
forta - strong
axskulti - to listen
sxafo - sheep
bufedo - buffet
historio - history
por - for / in order to (preposition)
skatolo - box / case
cxevalo - horse
globo - globe / sphere
diri - to say
kato - cat
atesti - to attest / to certify
ridi - to laugh
opinii - to think / to have an opinion
dek - ten
dika - thick / fat
sub - under / beneath (preposition)
turni - to turn
nur - only
mardo - tuesday
bati - to hit / to beat
junio - June
alveni - to arrive
unu - one
gajni - to gain / to win / to acquire
sinjoro - mister / gentleman
jxeti - to throw
mejlo - mile
alia - other
ami - to love / to like
morti - to die
direkto - direction
porti - to carry
hejmo - home
tuj - immediately
sukcesi - to succeed
rimedo - means / resource
sxi - she
dum - while (conjunction), during (preposition)
preni - to take
nomo - name
biero - beer
veki - to wake (someone)
precipa - main / principal
cxokolado - chocolate
lerni - to learn
blonda - blond
nova - new
San-Francisko - San Francisco
ol - than
danki - to thank
konduki - to lead
minuto - minute
vagono - train waggon / carriage
bruli - to burn / to be on fire
konstrui - to build
certa - sure / certain
vetero - weather
biciklo - bicycle
cxasi - to hunt
momento - moment
voki - to call
aperi - to appear
gusto - taste
vilagxo - village
ovo - egg
stepo - steppe
papero - paper
teo - tea
butiko - store / shop
ambaux - both
frukto - fruit
felicxa - happy
prava - right / correct
jxurnalo - newspaper
soifi - to be thirsty
krii - to yell / to cry out
elekti - to choose / to elect
mi - I / me
super - over / above (preposition)
ligi - to tie / to bind
gustumi - to taste (something)
aero - air
kuaxzo - cause
Dalaso - Dallas
koro - heart
popolo - people / nation
sukero - sugar
mem - -self / -selves
Esperanto - Esperanto
klini - to incline / to bend
avo - grandfather
doloro - pain
korto - yard / courtyard
pro - because of / by reason of (preposition)
danci - to dance
fermi - to close
ricevi - to receive
fenestro - window
jes - yes
monato - month
trafi - to hit / to strike
miliono - million
Parizo - Paris
tipo - type / sort
okazi - to happen / to occur
varbi - to recruit
tago - day
plu - further / more
post - after / behind (preposition)
baldaux - soon
je - as regards / in relation to (indefinite preposition)
cxe - at / by (preposition)
blanka - white
rajto - a right
naux - nine
okulo - eye
simpla - simple
pilko - ball
dio - god
marko - sign / mark
problemo - problem
vivi - to live / to be alive
sendi - to send
glacio - ice
rguxa - red
fajro - fire
ekzerci - to exercise / to practice
vespero - evening
levi - to lift
trankvila - calm / quiet
perdi - to lose
pasxi - to step / to pace
kurso - course
decembro - December
tasko - task
utila - useful
atendi - to wait
jxus - just / just now
ondo - wave
agrabla - pleasant / nice / agreeable
alta - high / tall
ekster -outside / out of (preposition)
uzi - to use
promeni - to take a walk
Septembro - september
domo - house
orelo - ear
labori - to work
nul - zero
ke - that
studi - to study
lundo - Monday
libera - free / independent
vidi - to see
okupi - to occupy
timi - to fear
provi - to try / to test
bildo - picture
necesa - necessary
leciono - lesson
lito - bed
kalkuli - to count
bordo - border / shore / bank
amaso - mass / crowd
fari - to do / to make
trinki - to drink
gxangalo - jungle
dauxri - to last / to continue / to go on / to endure
manki - to be lacking / to be absent
posxo - pocket
tero - earth / ground
erari - to err / to make a mistake
kun - with (preposition)
tamtamo - tom-tom
fali - to fall
mezuri - to measure (something)
frauxlino - unmarried woman / Miss
deziri - to wash / to desire
ci - thou (rare)
robo - a dress
urbo - city / town
da - of (quantity / measurement) (preposition)
salti - to jump
poluso - pole (as in North Pole)
silenti - to be silent
Kalgario - Calgary
sed - but
mateno - morning
formo - form
jam - already
justa - just / fair
sufixca - sufficient / enough
morgaux - tomorrow
postuli - to demand / to require
kontenta - satisfied / content
gazeto - magazine
pordo - door
frau - early
nulo - nil
kreski - to grow
adiaux - goodbye
infano - child
kongreso - congress / convention
somero - summer
nek - nor / neither... nor...
kelka - some
edzo - husband
fojo - time / occasion
korpo - body
negxo - snow
viziti - to visit
pagi - to pay
sandvicxo - sandwich
cent - hundred
ses - six
Bruno - Brown
rigardi - to look (at)
onklo - uncle
korespondi - to correspond / to exchange letters
cxar - because / since
forgesi - to forget
almenaux - at least
celi - to aim at
veturi - to travel (by vehicle)
farti - to fare / to feel
per - by (means of) / with (preposition)
prosperi - to prosper
dubi - to doubt
lando - country / land
teatro - theater
linio - line
gxusta - correct / exact
vino - wine
bilardo - billiards / pool
rozo - rose
halti - to stop
premi - to press / to squeeze
tuta - whole / entire
oni - one / they
komenci - to begin
esperi - to hope
Afriko - Africa
brili - to shine / to be bright
acxeti - to buy
filo - son
verda - green
permesi - to allow / to permit
vera - true / real
frauxlo - bachelor
brui - to make a noise
kuri - to run
tamen - however, nevertheless
tre - very
pri - about / concerning
fisxo - fish
skribi - to write
flaso - glass / drinking glass
ehxo - echo
vendredo - Friday
cigaredo - cigarette
arto - art
mangxi - to eat
segxo - chair
apetito - appetite
plej - most
miri - to marvel / to be amazed
membro - member
ligno - wood
dolcxa - sweet
koni - to know
resti - to remain / to continue to be
kutikumi - to go shopping
insekto - insect
al - to / towards
plezuro - pleasure / enjoyment
strato - street
gaja - happy / cheerful
hodiaux - today
rondo - round / circle
komerci - to trade / to do business
limonado - lemonade
bovatao - bull / ox
sata - full / not hungry
hieraux - yesterday
sur - on / upon (preposition)
sxipo - ship
mondo - world
peco - piece / bit
majo - May
novembro - November
plendi - to complain
pasi - to pass
jahxto - yacht
fini - to finish / to end (something)
auxtobuso - bus
sxuo - shoe
[There is a lot, I'm not going to bother writing down any more at the moment... We will see how it goes]
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