Saturday, May 31, 2014

Postal Course Lesson 4

acxeti - to buy
al - to / towards
alia - other
anonco - announcement
antaux - before
apud - beside / nearby
biciklo - bicycle
bildkarto - picture card
bildo - picture
cxambro - room
cxokolado - chocolate
danco - dance
de - of / from
deziri - to desire
dolaro - dollar
domo - house
edzo - husband
edzino - wife
ehxo - echo
el - out of / from within
en - in
geografio - geography
gustumi - to taste
gxojo - joy
hxoro - choir
infano - child
intersxangxo - exchange
jahxto - yacht
jam - already / by now
juna - young
jxaluzo - jealousy
jxaudo - Thursday
jxurnalo - newspaper
kio - what
kolekti - to collect
kun - with / together
lando - country / land
leciono - lesson
legi - to read
lernejo - school
libro - book
logxi - to reside
majo - May
mangxi - to eat
mejlo - mile
neutrala - neutral
nun - now
ovo - egg
plej - most
popolo - people
plena - full
posxo - pocket
posxtmarko - postal stamp
precipe - especially
sageto - dart
sandvicxo - sandwich
sed - but
segxo - chair
sportisto - sportsperson
sporto - sport
suno - sun
sxati - to like
sxuo - shoe
teatrajxo - theatrical play
tuj - immediately
vojagxi - to travel
ankaux - also
aux - or
baledo - ballet
biologio - biology
cxar - because
cxiu - everyone
diversa - diverse / various
etikedo - label
komenci - to begin
kaj tiel plu - and so forth
kuraci - to give medical treatment
malsanulo - sick person
matematiko - mathmatics
mondo - world
pri - about / concerning
profesio - profession
regxo - king
studento - student (university)
temo - theme / subject
trovi - to find
tuta - whole / entire
universitato - university
Li estas el Afriko (He is from Africa)

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