Sunday, May 4, 2014

La Tria Resumo (Esperanto-English)

Rimarko - I've completed Bildoj kaj demandoj since Resumo I and Resumo II. This time I'm going to try to include some examples, since a lot of ground has been covered.
It is also daunting to look at this list because a lot of it hasn't stuck. But I don't need to learn all of the vocab and stuff right away. I think I should focus on question words, the prefixes and suffixes, and I can work on building up the vocab.

Verb Prefixes/Suffixes
-as = present
-is = past
-os = future
-i = infinitive
-ig- = to cause / to make
-u = imperative
-igx- = to get (to change state)
ek- = to start / to begin
-us = conditional

Mi trinkas kafon (I drink coffee)
Mi trinkis kafon (I drank coffee)
Mi trinkos kafon (I will drink coffee)
Mi volas trinki kafon (I want to drink coffee)
Kafo trinigas min (Coffee causes me to drink)
Trinku la kafon! (Drink the coffee!)
La viro lacigxas. (The man gets tired)
Ana ekfartas malbone. (Ana starts to feel bad)
Se Ana havus multe da mono, sxi acxetus novan biciklon (If Ana had a lot of money, she would buy a new bike)

Noun Prefixes/Suffixes
-in- = feminine
-o = noun
-oj = plural
-isto = occupation / hobby / ideology
-on / -ojn = Object
-em- = to be fond of
mal--em- = to not be fond of
-ul- = type of person
-ism- = similar to in English (ex: communismo)
-et- = diminutive / small
-eg- = large
-il- = object used to do something with
ge- = both sexes together

Patro, Patrino (Father, mother)
Homo, homoj (person, people)
Instrui, Instruisto (to teach, teacher)
Li instruas homojn (He teaches people)
Mi estas hundemo (I am a dog lover)
Li estas malhundemo (He is not fond of dogs)
La junulo dancas (The young people dance)
Lia ideologio estas komunismo (His ideology is communism)
Li estas knabeto (He is a little kid)
Gxis estas pomego (It is a big apple)
foto, fotilo (photograph, camera)
patroj, gepatroj (fathers, parents)

Adjective Endings/Prefixes
Must match noun in case and number
-a = adjective
-aj = plural
mal- = opposite
-em- = to be fond of
mal--em- = to not be fond of

La domo estas bela (The house is beautiful)
La hundoj estas belaj (The dogs are beautiful)
La banano estas malbona (The banana is not good)
La hundema viro estas bona (The dog-lover man is good)

Question Words
-j = plural
-n = answer is object
-jn = answer is plural object
Kio - What
Kiu - Who or Which
Kie - Where
Kia = Describe (What is it like / What sort of / What kind)
Kiel = As / Like / How
Kiam = When
Kien = To where / in what direction
Kies = Whose / Which one's
De Kie = Of where / From where / Where from
Kiom = How much / how many
Kioma = How many / What number
Kion = Which / What
Kial = Why
Cxu = Makes yes or no question
Jes = Yes
Ne = No, not

Kio estas tio? (What is that?)
- Tio estas homo (That is a person)
Kiu estas tiu? (Who is that?)
- Tiu estas Mauxro (That is Mauxro)
Kiu numero estas plej granda numero el: unu, du kaj tri? (Which number is the biggest out of: 1, 2 and 3?)
- Tri estas plej granda numero el tiuj. (Three is the biggest number out of them).
Kie estas li? (Where is he?)
- Li estas en la domo (He is in the house)
Kia estas la pilko? (Describe the ball?)
- La pilko estas granda (The ball is big)
Kiel venturas la auxto? (How does the car travel?)
- La auxto venturas malrapide (The car travels slow)
Kiam Mauxro instruas Esperanton al la infanoj? (When does Mauxro teach Esperanto to the infants?)
- Mauxro instruas Esperanton matene (Mauxro teaches Esperanto in the morning)
Kien iras la viro? (To where does the man go?)
- La viro iras gxis la domo (The man goes until the house)
Kies estas la pilko (Whose is the ball?)
- La pilko estas de Petro (The ball is Petro's)
De kie estas Ana? (From where is Ana?)
- Ana estas de la lando Usono (Ana is from the country USA)
Kiom estas ok plus du? (How much is eight plus two)
- Ok plus du estas dek. (Eight plus two is ten)
Kioma horo estas? (What hour is it?)
- Estas la unua (It is one)
Kion diras Ana? (What does Ana say?)
- Ana diras: Donu al mi la panon, mi petas (Ana says, give to me the bread, please)
Kial la knabo ridas (Why does the child laugh?)
- La knabo ridas cxar li estas felicxa (The child laughs because he is happy)
Cxu ok pli granda numero ol du? (Is eight a more large number than two?)
- Jes, ok pli granda numero ol du. (Yes, eight is a more large number than two)

Amiko = friend
Apartamento = Apartment
Arbo = Tree
Auxto = car
Banano = Banana
Biciklo = Bicycle
Birdo = bird
cxevalo = horse
Cxinio = China
Domo = House
Filo = son
Fisxo = fish
Fotilo = Camera
Fotisto = Photographer
Frato = brother
Frukto - Fruit
Gepatroj = Parents
Haro = Hair
Hobio = hobby
Homo - Person
horo = hour
Hundo = Dog
ideologio = ideology
Infanto = infant
Insekto = insect
Instruisto = Teacher
Italio = Italy
jaro = year
junulo = young person
Kafo = coffee 
Knabo - Child
Komputilo = Computer
komunismo = communism
Kontanto = cash
Kuko = cake
Kruco = cross
Lakto = milk
Lando = country
Maro = sea
Mateno = morning
minuto = minute
Modelo = model
Mono = money
Muziko = music
Nokto = Night
Nomo = Name
Numero = number
Pano = bread
Patro = father
persono = person
Pilko = Ball
Pomo = Apple
Programisto = Programmer
Sako = sack
Segxo = Chair
Skibilo = writing instrument
stelo = star
Studento = Student
Sukero = sugar
Suno = Sun
Tablo - Table
tabulo = board / blackboard
tangokto = 24-hour period
Tego = Daytime
Teo = tea
Trancxilo = knife
urbo = city
Usono = USA
Vespero = Evening
Vetero = Weather
Virino - Woman
Viro - Man
Vojo = route / road
vorto = word

Acxeti = to buy
Agxi = to be aged
Amuzi = to amuse
Brakumi = to embrace
Brili = to shine
Danci = to dance
Diri = to say
Doni = to give
Donaci = to donate
Dormi = to sleep
Esti - to be
fali = to fall
Faligi = to overthrow / to drop / to bring down
Fari = to do
Farti = to feel
Foti = to photograph
Forgesi = to forget
Havi = to have
Heligxi = to get brighter
igi = to cause / to make
Instrui = to teach
Iri = to go
Kapti = to catch
Komenci = to begin
Komputi = to compute
Kosti = to cost
Kuri = to run
Lacigi = to cause to tire
Lacigxi = to get tired
Lavi = to wash
Logxi = to be located
Malheligxi = to get darker
Mangxi = to eat
Meti = to put
Okazi = to happen / to occur
Pagi = to pay
Pardoni = to pardon / to forgive
Peti = to ask / to request
Programi = to program (a computer)
Plori = to cry
Pluvi = to rain
Ridi = to laugh
Skribi = to write
Studi = to study
sxati = to like
Sxategi = to love
Trancxi = to cut
Trinki = to drink
Vendi = to sell
Venturi = to travel
Venturigi = to drive
Vidi = to see
Vojagxi = to travel
Voli = to want

Bela = lovely / fine / beautiful / handsome
Blanka = white
Blua = blue
Bona = Good (Malbona = Bad)
Bruna = Brown
Felicxa = Happy
Flava = Yellow
Granda = Big
Griza = Gray
Hela = Light / Bright / Clear (Malhela = Dark / Dim)
Juna = young
maljuna = old
Nigra - Black
Nova = new
Rapide = fast
Rugxa = Red
Varma = warm
Verda = green

Nul = 0
Unu = 1
Du = 2
Tri = 3
Kvar = 4
Kvin = 5
Ses = 6
Sep = 7
Ok = 8
Naux = 9
Dek = 10
Dek unu = 11
Dudek = 20
Dudek unu = 21
Cent = 100
Cent unu = 101
Cent dudek unu = 121
Dudek = 200
Mil = 1000
Mil unu = 1001
Du mil = 2000
-a = ordinal numbers
la unua = first, la dua = second
duono = half

-a = makes possessive pronoun
Tio - this
Tiu - this (person)
Mi = Me
Vi = You
Li/Sxi/Gxi = He/She/It
Oni = one
Ni = We
Ili = They
Mia = My

-e = makes an adverb
Matene = in the morning
Multe = a lot
Nokte = in the night
Profesie = professionally
Tage = in the daytime
Tagmere = at noon
Tre = very
Vespere = in the evening

al = towards
Alia = another
Alivorte = in other words
antaux = in front of / ahead of / before
Cxar = because
de = of
El = out of
En = in
gxis = until
Je = upon / at / by / on
Kaj - and
Kun = with
malantaux = behind / after
Mi petas = please
Minus = minus, subtraction
Ol = than
Pardonu Min = Excuse me / Pardon me
per = with
plus = plus, addition
Plej = Most
Pli = more
Pri = about
post = after
pri = about / concerning
sen = without
sur = on

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