Thursday, May 1, 2014

Resumo II (Esperanto-English)

Rimarko - I've covered a surprising amount of ground since Resumo I. In order to continue to help solidify what I've learned I am going to do another summary and compile the grammar and vocabulary I've been exposed to. While each time I have felt like I've made a lot of progress, I turn around and open say a child's book and realize I have a lot more ground to cover. Still, it has been interesting. Especially lately I've been starting to see some unusual constructions in Esperanto that don't exist in English. For example, one simply needs to add -ig- in a verb to denote causation (the subject then caused this verb to happen to the direct object). There is also the ability to compound a lot of markers. we can indicate fondness for a noun with -em- and then denote that we are referring to a person with -ul- such that a person who is fond of something can be denoted with -emul-. Anyway, on with the summary:

Verb Prefixes/Suffixes
-as = present
-is = past
-os = future
-i = infinitive
-ig- = to cause / to make

Noun Prefixes/Suffixes
-in- = feminine
-o = noun
-oj = plural
-isto = occupation / hobby / ideology
-on / -ojn = Object
-em- = to be fond of
mal--em- = to not be fond of
-ul- = type of person
-ism- = similar to in English (ex: communismo)
-et- = diminutive / small
-eg- = large

Adjective Endings/Prefixes
Must match noun in case and number
-a = adjective
-aj = plural
mal- = opposite
-em- = to be fond of
mal--em- = to not be fond of

Question Words
-j = plural
-n = answer is object
-jn = answer is plural object
Kio - What
Kiu - Who
Kie - Where
Kia = Describe (What is it like / What sort of / What kind)
Kiel = As / Like / How
Kiam = When
Kien = To where / in what direction
Kies = Whose / Which one's
De Kie = Of where / From where / Where from
Kiom = How much / how many
Cxu = Makes yes or no question
Jes = Yes
Ne = No, not

Homo - Person
Viro - Man
Virino - Woman
Knabo - Child
Frukto - Fruit
Tablo - Table
Segxo = Chair
Pilko = Ball
Hundo = Dog
Banano = Banana
Pomo = Apple
Instruisto = Teacher
Programisto = Programmer
Fotisto = Photographer
Studento = Student
Domo = House
Apartamento = Apartment
Nomo = Name
Vetero = Weather
Haro = Hair
Arbo = Tree
Mateno = morning
Tego = Daytime
Vespero = Evening
Nokto = Night
Suno = Sun
Fotilo = Camera
Komputilo = Computer
Lando = country
Usono = USA
Cxinio = China
Italio = Italy
urbo = city
tabulo = board / blackboard
stelo = star
jaro = year
horo = hour
minuto = minute
tangokto = 24-hour period
persono = person
junulo = young person
Hobio = hobby
ideologio = ideology
komunismo = communism
vorto = word
Muziko = music
Patro = father
Infanto = infant
cxevalo = horse

(changing to have these in their infinitive)
Esti - to be
Instrui = to teach
Programi = to program (a computer)
Foti = to photograph
Studi = to study
Logxi = to be located
Mangxi = to eat
Fari = to do
Havi = to have
Faligi = to overthrow / to drop / to bring down
Kuri = to run
Farti = to feel
Brili = to shine
Dormi = to sleep
Iri = to go
Kosti = to cost
agxi = to be aged
sxati = to like
igi = to cause / to make
fali = to fall
Danci = to dance

Flava = Yellow
Bruna = Brown
Nigra - Black
Rugxa = Red
Granda = Big
Bona = Good (Malbona = Bad)
Hela = Light / Bright / Clear (Malhela = Dark / Dim)
Rapide = fast
Juna = young
maljuna = old

Nul = 0
Unu = 1
Du = 2
Tri = 3
Kvar = 4
Kvin = 5
Ses = 6
Sep = 7
Ok = 8
Naux = 9
Dek = 10
Dek unu = 11
Dudek = 20
Dudek unu = 21
Cent = 100
Cent unu = 101
Cent dudek unu = 121
Dudek = 200
Mil = 1000
Mil unu = 1001
Du mil = 2000

Tio - this
Tiu - this (person)
Mi = Me
Vi = You
Li/Sxi/Gxi = He/She/It
Ni = We
Ili = They
Mia = My

-e = makes an adverb
Matene = in the morning
Tage = in the daytime
Vespere = in the evening
Nokte = in the night
Tre = very
Profesie = professionally

Kaj - and
En = in
al = towards
gxis = until
sur = on
antaux = in front of / ahead of / before
malantaux = behind / after
de = of
per = with
Alia = another
Kun = with

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